Monday, August 30, 2010

Thanks for the two months twenty days . It was Great :)

We really meant it haa ? It's okay :)

Have a wonderful life , my Love :)

Natasya .

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Trial .

Heyya guys ! To all Candidates , Wish ya GoodLuck ! All the Best , I'm Off for the whole week Maybe , cus I'm focusing in ma study . So , bubbye . Love you , muahhhaha .

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did And you were strong and I was not My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot I did And now when all is done There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly You have won You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof top Write it on the sky love
All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible

Falling out of love is hard Falling for betrayal is worst Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know Thinking all you need is there Building faith on love is worst
Empty promises will wear I know And know when all is gone
There is nothing to say And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof top Write it on the sky love
All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible impossible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love
I did, I did And you were strong and I was not My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot I did And now when all is done There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly You have won You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof top Write it on the sky love
All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossibl Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Impossible,

I remember years ago Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did .

I keep singing this song :')

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aku Rindu Kau .

Aku rindu kau . Aku nak kau ade kat rumah . Aku taknak kau pergi matrik belajar . Aku tak de sapesape kat sini . Tak de orang nak tgok aku menangis kat sini . Tak de orang nak pujuk aku . Walaupon kau pujuk aku dengan cara yang paling menyakitkan hati and kasar . Aku tak kisah . Aku dah biasa . Walaupon kau kata aku mengadengade kalau aku nangis depan kau . Aku tak kisah . Aku banyak masalah kat sini . Tak de orang nak tolong . Semua orang buat tak peduli . Aku nak puasa dengan kau , Sahur and buka samesame . Aku suka gaduh rebut lauk dengan kau time buka . Sampai ibu tegur marah kat kita . Aku suka kita berebut nak goreng sayur untuk berbuka . Aku nk tunjuk skill kau pon nk tnjuk jugk . Aku suka ! Aku suka jeritjerit kejutkan kau bangun sahur . Aku suka aku rindu . Dah tiga tahun aku tk dpt buka and sahur harihari dengan kau . Kadangkadang je kau ade . Aku suka kalau ibu and ayah bawak kita buka kat luar . Aku order jus , kau rebut nk pilih yang lg hebat dari aku . Kau tulis kat fb :

selamat berpuasa kpd sumer umat islam... Terutama nyer family tercinta... Taun nie dpt buka ngan family sekali ja... Mari lah sama2 kiter memeriahkan ramadhan yg hanyer dtg sekali sahaja dlm setahun... Moga sumer org dpt puasa penuh... Ngee..

Aku comment : Bile lah kau nk blik buke sme2 ?

Kau balas : Tggu lah hri last puasa .. Aku balik ya ..

Gaya macam kau pujuk . Aku tk kisah ape org ckp . Bg aku kau pujuk aku .

Aku rindu kauu ! Aku rindu kauu ! Bila kau nk blik ?

Tiaptiap kali kau balik mesti kita gaduh . Kadangkadang sampai bertumbuk . Ibu selalu cakap 'cuba tgok dorg tu , tak gaduh pon . Korg ni asal jmpe je gaduh ..'

Ibu taktau yg slalu gaduh smpi bertumbuk tulah adik beradik yg plg baik mcm KITA . Takkan lah kita nk dduk diamdiam je kann ?

Aku slalu msuk bilik kau . Bau dettol yg kau tumpahkan time kau nk blik Johor tu still ade lg . Aku sebak tiaptiap kali msuk bilik kau . Aku Rindu ! Rinduuuu ! Kau jahat ! Aku dah sakit kepala ni menangis . Eeeeee . Dahlah , Bbye :')

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lets talk . Hmm ,

Hmmm , today kinda sucks ! I hate it . Grrr -.- I cry again and again . Opah is not the reason yahh . All about my elder brother . Hmm , first time maybe . I miss him . Very much ! For now , I need him . He's a good listener , I tell him everything , and he know almost everything about me and my life . My friends ? Hmmm , they're beside me , But I prefer my own brother . Now , I wanna say that The decision was made by me , I know I'll regret But I had to . It's Hard hard hard hard hard hard . Nothing easy right ? Hmmm , People change . I admit it . I also change . You change , you change , you change . You look different . I don't know you anymore . Maybe I never know you . You changed !! Totally changed ! There's no word to describe your changes . Hmmm , Lemme keep it alone . Okay , Bbye . Take Care My Dear :')

Friday, August 6, 2010


Kalau tgok tajuk pon dah tulis shit , tk mustahil lpas ni berbagaibagai perkataan akan keluar . Jom kite dgr story .. Hayatilah ..

Situasi 1 :

Watak :

1 . Nama : Ahmad Saufi .
Nick : Opi .
Umur : 16 tahun .
2 . Nama : Asyikin (ibu opi)
Nick : Acu
Umur : Tk dpt dipastikan .
3 . Nama : Tk dpt dipastikan .
Nick : Warden .
Umur : Dah tua tahap nak mampus !

Al-Kisah :

Acu : Hello ? Sy nk amik ank sy blik kampng hri ni , Opah dia meninggal .
Warden : Okay . Tk payah bg surat sbb ni case emergency .
Acu : Exam dia mcm ne ehh ?
Warden : Nnti bila dia dh blik sni blik , sruh dia amik .

Maka , opi pon blik kampng .

Selepas blik ke MRSM Taiping . Hri isnin ade perhimpunan . Tgok lah warden dia berceramah .

Warden : Blablabla .. Nenek sakit lah , nenek meninggallah .. apelah . Mcm2 . Ptutnya , hal peribadi mcm tu tolak tepi . Utamakan exam dulu .

So , Opi tk dpt amik exam . 50% mrkh akhir thun . BURN mcm tu je . Tp kalau dia wat btul2 untk exam lpas ni . Mrkh tu akn tolong dia 30% .

Shit . Babi . Sial pnye ckgu . Ckp mcm hapa je . Kalau nenek kau meninggal mcm mne ? Setan !

Situasi 2 :

Watak :

1 . Nama : Ahmad Syukri .
Nick : Syukri .
Umur : 12 tahun .

2 . Nama : tk dpt dikenalpasti .
Nick : Cikgu .
Umur : Dah NAZAK dah .

Al-kisah :

Cikgu : Nenek awk mcm mne ?
Syukri : Taktau . Sy tk melawat .
Cikgu : Bila lah nenek awak tu nak mampus ?
Syukri : ??

Babi ! Kau mmg ckgu plg sial skali aku prnh tau . Kalau aku jd syukri , jgn hrp aku nk diam je . Kau bila nk mampus hah ?

Maka , keesokan hrinya opah meninggal . Aku akn pastikan esok kau plak meninggal .

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I miss them .

Ni first vid JV :)

Ni second vid JV :)

Korg , rndu gila dohh time2 mcm ni . Thanks Hyzra fr the vid . Love you . Muahhh !

12 ? No more .. For now , De'Juviolet have 11 members only .

4 box from right , she's gone . The one yg tk pakai tudung tu .
Tk payah lah tnye knape . We still FRIENDS . Nothing change , okay ?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

De juviolet sayang ..


Weyh korg ! Bila kite dpat lepaklepak mcm ni sepahsepah kan rmah orang haa ? Rndu gila nk buat party mcm dlu . Lepas PMR bolehlah dohhh . Sumpah aku terseksa sekarang ni ! Haha . PMR menyekat kebebasan aku weyhhh :(

Today mood :)

Well , today I'm Happy :) Idk . Bt , its better rite ? Haha . Hari ni sepatutnya ade PJ . Ktorg dh siap2 pakai bju sukan tbe2 ckgu tk jd pj . So , ktorg dduk melepak kat class Kempas sbb ktorg share wktu pj dgn dorg . Dduk2 , sumpah time tu mengantuk . So , tasya terlentok je lah kat ats meja . Then ckgu kate boleh tukr baju . Ktorg pon kluar lah blik class ktorg . Plan nk tggu toilet reda dlu . Pastu dorg ajk tuka kt dlm class , so .. Let's go , for the first time . Heh . Tukr dgn gaye yg amat bersopan sbb tkut bdak lelaki lalulalang and TERnmpk ktorg tukr bju . Mesti dorg suka gila dpt tgok kann ? Dh biaselah dgn perangai lelaki . Cehhh-,- Dh hbis tukr baju , blik class Kempas . Dduk2 and buat kumpulan . Semestinya JV shj . Farhana pon ade tme tu , so .. Lg ramai lg bestt ! Tggu yg lain tukr bju sumpah lme gila -____________- Dorg dh smpi , ktorg buat plan . Plan ape ?? Hehe . Secret lah dohh . Nntikan jumaat ini InsyaAllah :) Sumpah tk sabar ! Chill , dua hri je lg . Ohoii . Lpastu rhat , sumpah hri ni rse mcm gempak gila . Smbng plan blik sbb elya tkde tme kat class Kempas td . Dh hbis rhat msuk class . Papppp ! Mood sy yg happy td ditarik blik mnjd sgt Grrrr . Gila menyampah , Benci , tk suka . Haih . Igt sng ke nk cri mood mcm pg td ? Susah tau ! Berharihari terkurung dlm mood OPAH ! Adess , okay . lpas tu , cool down skit . I'm getting better tp still marah lg . then , BlajaBlajaBlaja , balik ! weehooo :) okayy , byeee <3

Sunday, August 1, 2010


opah , seminggu opah msuk hospital . koma . adik menyesal tk balik kampng hri rabu . time opah still sedr . adik terlambat beberape jam je . adik smpi kampng sblum opah koma . tp adik melawat opah time opah dh koma . adik menyesalll ! hri selase , tme bengkel science . ckgu pggl ckp parents tggu kat pejabat . Ya Allah ! time tu adik teringt opah sorg je . balik kampng lpas pack brg . capai je mne yg dpt sbb time tu otak dh tk fikir pape selain kampung and opah . elok smpi je , dorg dh nk ttup muke jenazah . smpt cium opah for the last tme . jmpe kaka , kaka sbut pasl smbal belacan . ohh my :'( adik rndu opah . puasa and raya thun ni opah tkde . adik igt lg tme adik bg opah bju raya . opah tktau nk pilih mne stu . last2 opah pilih wrne biru . opah dh ckp dh mse tu , thun ni adik pmr opah nk buat solat hajat untk adik . opah tk prnh lpe cucu2 dia yg nk amik exam besr . opahh !! tiap2kali blik kampng mesti opah ckp ' adik , thun ni blaja btul2 . thun ni pmr , dpt result bgus boleh msuk asrama mcm opie ' . kalau adik blik kampng mesti opah buat kuih fav adik and msk lauk fav adik . Natasya , stop !! semoga opah tenang disisi orang2 yg beriman . amin ! *opah , prnh jge adik smpi adik 6 thun . adik sayang opah . sayang sgt2 ! terima kasih :'(

Best Moment with Nu'Aim Wafiq . Auwwww !

wednesday , 21/07/2010 .

Abang Bo came to my house to send maklong . Long time no see this cute boy . Weee :D Not Abang Bo lah , I talk about Wafiq . Okay , I bring him everywhere . This picture was in my room . haha . Ohh Myy .. Wafiq COMEL GILAAAA ! MAMA love you syg :) wahhh ! layakkah ? forget about it . after tht .. my mom , maklong , acu and mama went back to our hometown to visit opah :'( bad day huh ? I have to stay with ayah and abang for a night . grrrrr , I hate it . then . the end . don wanna talk much .